OrthoLine™ -Frakturmanagementsystem

Beim Design des Arthrex OrthoLine-Frakturmanagementsystems wurden Erfahrungen von Chirurgen berücksichtigt. Es bietet wichtige technische Funktionen. Das innovative Design ist speziell an die Eigenschaften von Kleintieren angepasst. Das 70 Platten umfassende hochmoderne Plattensortiment bietet verschiedene wichtige Funktionen.

Das Komplettplattenset bietet:

  • Hohe Schraubendichte, wo es notwendig ist
  • Schiebe- und Kompressionslöcher
  • Robuste Platte für das Bridging
  • Geringer Plattenkontakt und niedriges Profil
  • Umfangreiches Größensortiment von kopflosen Kompressionsschrauben
  • FiberTape-Cerclage-Optionen
  • Universallöcher zur Aufnahme kortikaler, standardmäßiger winkelstabiler und VAL-Schrauben
  • Vorgesehene Schrauben und Instrumente aus den TPLO-Systemen können mit dem OrthoLine-System verwendet werden
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Beim Design des Arthrex OrthoLine-Frakturmanagementsystems wurden Erfahrungen von Chirurgen berücksichtigt. Es bietet wichtige technische Funktionen. Das innovative Design ist speziell an die Eigenschaften von Kleintieren angepasst. Das 70 Platten umfassende hochmoderne Plattensortiment bietet verschiedene wichtige Funktionen.

Das Komplettplattenset bietet:

  • Hohe Schraubendichte, wo es notwendig ist
  • Schiebe- und Kompressionslöcher
  • Robuste Platte für das Bridging
  • Geringer Plattenkontakt und niedriges Profil
  • Umfangreiches Größensortiment von kopflosen Kompressionsschrauben
  • FiberTape-Cerclage-Optionen
  • Universallöcher zur Aufnahme kortikaler, standardmäßiger winkelstabiler und VAL-Schrauben
  • Vorgesehene Schrauben und Instrumente aus den TPLO-Systemen können mit dem OrthoLine-System verwendet werden
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Informationsmaterialien und Produkte


Videos - OP-Anleitung (5)

OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System: Sawbone Application on a Canine Tibia
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System: Sawbone Application on a Canine Tibia
Sean M. Murphy, DVM, DACVS
07:56 | English | 03/21/2025 | vVID1-002917-en-US A
DrillSaw Mini 300™ System Demonstration With OrthoLine™ Fracture System
DrillSaw Mini 300™ System Demonstration With OrthoLine™ Fracture System
David Hutcheson, DVM, DACVS-SA
04:39 | English | 10/07/2024 | vVID1-006771-en-US A
OrthoLine™ Proximal Femoral Fracture Plate Surgical Technique
OrthoLine™ Proximal Femoral Fracture Plate Surgical Technique
Sean M. Murphy, DVM, DACVS
19:25 | English | 03/05/2024 | vVID1-006071-en-US A
OrthoLine™ Distal Humeral Fracture System: Canine Elbow Procedure Demonstration
OrthoLine™ Distal Humeral Fracture System: Canine Elbow Procedure Demonstration
Sean M. Murphy, DVM, DACVS
18:03 | English | 10/27/2022 | vVID1-003588-en-US B
OrthoLine™ Distal Humeral Fracture System: Sawbone Application on a Canine Elbow Procedure Demonstration
OrthoLine™ Distal Humeral Fracture System: Sawbone Application on a Canine Elbow Procedure Demonstration
Sean M. Murphy, DVM, DACVS
11:20 | English | 10/27/2022 | vVID1-003589-en-US B

Bestandskontrollformular (4)

Inventory Control Form: 3.5 mm Fracture Plates and Screws
Inventory Control Form: 3.5 mm Fracture Plates and Screws
English | 09/28/2023 | vLF1-000119-en-US B
Inventory Control Form: 3.0 mm Fracture Plates and Screws
Inventory Control Form: 3.0 mm Fracture Plates and Screws
English | 09/22/2023 | vLF1-000120-en-US B
Inventory Control Form: 2.4 mm Fracture Plates and Screws
Inventory Control Form: 2.4 mm Fracture Plates and Screws
English | 09/21/2023 | vLF1-000118-en-US B
Inventory Control Form: 2.0 mm Fracture Plates and Screws
Inventory Control Form: 2.0 mm Fracture Plates and Screws
English | 09/21/2023 | vLF1-000117-en-US B

Broschüren (2)

OrthoLine™ System Tips and Pearls
OrthoLine™ System Tips and Pearls
English | 03/13/2025 | vLB1-000552-en-US A
OrthoLine™  Fracture Plates
OrthoLine™ Fracture Plates
English | 09/17/2024 | vBR1-004344-en-US C

Kataloge (2)

TPLO and OrthoLine™ Plating System
TPLO and OrthoLine™ Plating System
English | 01/07/2025 | vLB1-000450-en-US C
Vet Systems Product Catalog
Vet Systems Product Catalog
English | 04/21/2023 | VLB1-0001-EN H

Operationsanleitungen (4)

OrthoLine™ Distal Femoral Fracture Plating System
OrthoLine™ Distal Femoral Fracture Plating System
English | 09/27/2024 | vLT1-000309-en-US A
OrthoLine™ Distal Humeral Fracture System
OrthoLine™ Distal Humeral Fracture System
English | 06/04/2024 | vLT1-000247-en-US E
OrthoLine™  Proximal Femoral Fracture Plating System
OrthoLine™ Proximal Femoral Fracture Plating System
English | 06/04/2024 | vLT1-000297-en-US A
OrthoLine™ Small Animal Fracture Straight Plate
OrthoLine™ Small Animal Fracture Straight Plate
English | 08/10/2023 | vLT1-000226-en-US C

Presentation Videos (9)

Welcome to Hybrid Course
Welcome to Hybrid Course
Susan Schaefer, DVM, MS, DACVS
04:58 | English | 05/03/2023 | vVID1-003979-en-US A
Absolute vs Relative Stability
Absolute vs Relative Stability
11:49 | English | 05/03/2023 | vVID1-003982-en-US A
Compression vs Neutralization vs Bridging
Compression vs Neutralization vs Bridging
Susan Schaefer, DVM, MS, DACVS
07:48 | English | 05/03/2023 | vVID1-003980-en-US A
Fracture Assessment Score
Fracture Assessment Score
15:46 | English | 05/03/2023 | vVID1-003986-en-US A
Standard vs Locking Plates
Standard vs Locking Plates
Susan Schaefer, DVM, MS, DACVS
17:09 | English | 05/03/2023 | vVID1-003981-en-US A
Fracture Forces
Fracture Forces
07:51 | English | 01/17/2023 | vVID1-003776-en-US A
Fracture Reduction Methods
Fracture Reduction Methods
Mark Rochat, DVM, MS, DACVS
08:45 | English | 05/05/2022 | vVID1-003362-en-US A
Post-op Assessments: The 4 A’s
Post-op Assessments: The 4 A’s
Sarah Malek, DVM, PhD, DACVS-SA
09:55 | English | 05/05/2022 | vVID1-003361-en-US A
How to Describe a Fracture and Why It Matters
How to Describe a Fracture and Why It Matters
Susan Schaefer, DVM, MS, DACVS
Presentation Videos | 11:59 | English | 04/06/2022 | vVID1-003280-en-US A

Produktdemonstrationen (3)

Highlights of the OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System
Highlights of the OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System
02:51 | English | 12/27/2024 | vAN1-000408-en-US B
Fracture Management Product Highlights
Fracture Management Product Highlights
00:45 | English | 04/27/2022 | vVID1-003310-en-US A
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System: Design Features
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System: Design Features
Sean M. Murphy, DVM, DACVS
03:38 | English | 11/18/2021 | vVID1-002913-en-US A

Referenztabellen (5)

Distal Humeral Plate Size Chart
Distal Humeral Plate Size Chart
English | 07/30/2024 | vLR1-000163-en-US B
OrthoLine™ System Fracture Plate
OrthoLine™ System Fracture Plate
English | 05/06/2024 | vLR1-000176-en-US A
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System
English | 08/30/2023 | vLR1-000164-en-US A
OrthoLine Fracture Management System: Weight Reference Chart
OrthoLine Fracture Management System: Weight Reference Chart
English | 02/25/2022 | vLR1-000141-en-US A

Vet Systems - Referenztabellen (5)

Distal Femur Osteotomy Plate Size Chart
Distal Femur Osteotomy Plate Size Chart
English | 07/30/2024 | vLR1-000165-en-US C
Distal Femur Fracture Plate Size Chart
Distal Femur Fracture Plate Size Chart
English | 07/30/2024 | vLR1-000169-en-US B
OrthoLine™ System Fracture Plate
OrthoLine™ System Fracture Plate
English | 02/21/2024 | vLR1-000168-en-US A
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System
English | 02/20/2024 | vLR1-000167-en-US A
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System
English | 02/20/2024 | vLR1-000170-en-US A

Video-Anleitungen (1)

Plate Contouring Guidelines
Plate Contouring Guidelines
Susan Schaefer, DVM, MS, DACVS
05:00 | English | 12/23/2022 | vVID1-003766-en-US A

Videos von Fallpräsentationen (4)

OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System: Biomechanics
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System: Biomechanics
Sean M. Murphy, DVM, DACVS
04:53 | English | 11/19/2021 | vVID1-002915-en-US A
OrthoLine™ Universal Plating System: Clinical Case Series II
OrthoLine™ Universal Plating System: Clinical Case Series II
Ian Holsworth, BVSc
12:49 | English | 11/19/2021 | vVID1-002935-en-US A
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System: Clinical Case Series
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System: Clinical Case Series
Sean M. Murphy, DVM, DACVS
02:58 | English | 11/19/2021 | vVID1-002927-en-US A
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System: Application Concepts and System Integration
OrthoLine™ Fracture Management System: Application Concepts and System Integration
Sean M. Murphy, DVM, DACVS
05:17 | English | 11/18/2021 | vVID1-002918-en-US A

WebInHours (1)

Standing Room Only: Veterinary WebInHour—OrthoLine™ System Overview
Standing Room Only: Veterinary WebInHour—OrthoLine™ System Overview
Sean M. Murphy, DVM, DACVS
56:28 | English | 01/28/2022 | VID1-003192-en-US A

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