
Autoclavable arthroscopes are designed and optimized for the SynergyUHD4™ camera system to provide superb image quality as well as robust durability. Featuring a quick connect interface with the sheaths, the arthroscopes are easy to use and provide a secure connection. The eye-coupler and C-mount arthroscopes are available in numerous diameters to fit multiple needs.

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Autoclavable arthroscopes are designed and optimized for the SynergyUHD4™ camera system to provide superb image quality as well as robust durability. Featuring a quick connect interface with the sheaths, the arthroscopes are easy to use and provide a secure connection. The eye-coupler and C-mount arthroscopes are available in numerous diameters to fit multiple needs.

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Recursos educativos y productos


Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas (5)

Veterinary Technician-Assisted Shoulder Arthroscopy Procedure
Veterinary Technician-Assisted Shoulder Arthroscopy Procedure
Kevin P. McAbee, DVM, DACVS | Julia Crosby Dumond
10:13 | English | 04/04/2024 | vVID1-006073-en-US A
Hip Joint Arthroscopic Port Establishment
Hip Joint Arthroscopic Port Establishment
Ian Holsworth, BVSc
03:24 | English | 08/29/2017 | VVID1-01042-EN A
Arthroscopy of the Canine Shoulder and Instrument Portal Placement
Arthroscopy of the Canine Shoulder and Instrument Portal Placement
Ian Holsworth, BVSc
18:42 | English | 07/17/2017 | VVID1-01037-EN A
Stifle Arthroscopy Instrumentation, Table Setup and Floor Controls
Stifle Arthroscopy Instrumentation, Table Setup and Floor Controls
Ian Holsworth, BVSc
02:26 | English | 07/07/2017 | VVID1-01046-EN A

Catálogos (1)

Vet Systems Product Catalog
Vet Systems Product Catalog
English | 04/21/2023 | VLB1-0001-EN H

Folletos (2)

Arthrex Armour Technology Protection
Arthrex Armour Technology Protection
English | 07/29/2024 | vLB1-000012-en-US B
An Owner's Guide to Arthroscopy Surgery
An Owner's Guide to Arthroscopy Surgery
English | 07/25/2022 | vLP1-000378-en-US A

Video tutoriales (1)

OR Setup: Placement of Arthroscopy and TPLO Instruments
OR Setup: Placement of Arthroscopy and TPLO Instruments
Julia Crosby Dumond
10:38 | English | 04/26/2022 | vVID1-003302-en-US A

WebInHours (2)

Successful OR and Patient Preparation Prior to Orthopedic Surgery
Successful OR and Patient Preparation Prior to Orthopedic Surgery
Kevin P. McAbee, DVM, DACVS | Brian J. Trumpatori, DVM, DACVS-SA | Matt Corse, DVM, MS, DACVS | Jonathan Suber, DVM, DACVS
48:47 | English | 05/24/2021 | vVID1-002225-en-US A
Arthroscopy of the Canine and Human Shoulder: Part 1 – A Comparison of Anatomy, Pathology, Treatment
Arthroscopy of the Canine and Human Shoulder: Part 1 – A Comparison of Anatomy, Pathology, Treatment
Sean M. Murphy, DVM, DACVS | Xinning Li, MD
01:15:00 | English | 05/14/2021 | vVID1-002228-en-US A