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Arthrex Vet Systems
  • Continuing Education

FiberTape® Cerclage System

FiberTape cerclage is a strong, simple, and reproducibly effective solution for replacing metal cables and wires traditionally used for fracture fixation. The low-profile, broad footprint of FiberTape cerclage suture provides superior compression and ultimate load compared to metal cables and wires.1 The system includes FiberTape and TigerTape™ cerclage sutures, a tensioner, an instrument tray, and various passing instruments.



1. Arthrex, Inc. Data on file (APT 3197). Naples, FL; 2017.

  • Customer Service
    • 1370 Creekside Boulevard
    • Naples, FL 34108
    • アメリカ合衆国
    • Phone: +1-800-934-4404
    • Fax: +1-800-643-9310
  • Latex Information

    Arthrex, Inc. products are designed without any latex components or packaging. The primary packaging has been selected to not include latex in any form. If you have any further questions in this regard please contact your Customer Service Representative and they will assist you as promptly as possible.

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