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Arthrex Vet Systems
  • Continuing Education

Fracture Reduction System

The OrthoLine™ fracture reduction system simplifies bone fracture relocation or transfer stability and aligns with the OrthoLine fracture management system. The strong, lightweight, carbon fiber, radiolucent lobster claw allows imaging-guided fracture reduction procedures that do not require removing clamps. The reduction forceps with guidewire holds a small bone in apposition during a fracture reduction. The clamp can help with insertion of cannulated screw guidewires.

  • Surgical Technique Videos (1)
  • Presentation Videos (1)
      • File Type:
      • Ref. #: vVID1-003362-en-US
      • Version: A
      • Language: English
      • Revision Date: 05/05/2022
      • Presenter: Mark Rochat, DVM, MS, DACVS
  • Customer Service
    • 1370 Creekside Boulevard
    • Naples, FL 34108
    • United States
    • Phone: +1-800-934-4404
    • Fax: +1-800-643-9310
  • Latex Information

    Arthrex, Inc. products are designed without any latex components or packaging. The primary packaging has been selected to not include latex in any form. If you have any further questions in this regard please contact your Customer Service Representative and they will assist you as promptly as possible.

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